Friday, March 25, 2011

Weekend Project: The benefits of knitting

I accomplished one of my little goals this week (an ambition I've had since moving back to Delaware a month ago) to go to my local yarn store.  What's the big deal you say? Well I don't get out of the house very often and when I do these moments need to be good for the soul, a recharge if you will- a beautiful walk often does the trick and so does perusing yarn. To keep myself from buying yarn that will sit around unused for an undetermined amount of time, I have a little notebook where I document future knitting projects. These projects are modest and somewhat realistic ; ) so now when I see some lovely yarn that I must have in my stash, I turn to my list to see if it would fulfill a project... anyway!

There are some awesome benefits of knitting- the sense of accomplishment, learning a new skill that continues to unfold even more opportunities to build upon your craft, etc, etc! My sister-in-law recently started a little knitting group at her school where volunteers help teach students how to knit. The Husband and I are going to volunteer our time today (if everything goes well with timing for the baby) and I'm really excited to help out!  About 3 years ago I re-taught myself how to knit by using youtube instructional videos and I continue to turn to youtube when something new and tricky crosses my path.  I learn by seeing so this is the next best thing to having a professional knitter close at hand!

If you want to learn how to knit I recommend checking out some basic youtube videos- like casting on and binding off.  The above video I found and got a kick out of- I especially love how fast the nuclear physicist knits! Some day I would love to knit that fast!

(blog update: apparently I've run out of space for pictures on my blog- hence a video for the last two days as I wait for my increased storage to activate.)

1 comment:

Mrs Robinson said...

great video! Thanks for sharing!


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