Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The dog days of summer- a survival guide

It's hot, even here in Maine and at nearly 6 months pregnant- I've been doing a little research on how to stay cool this summer! I like to think I will be more prepared come the hottest month of August.

Here are some helpful tips I have found to get you through these infamous dog days of summer!

1.  Go ice skating. Yup, that's right! I've read that many ice skating rinks are open during the summer for training and what not, so why not cool off and get some exercise all at the same time!?

2.  Turn on your hose. If you are lucky enough to have a yard & a hose- hook up a sprinkler or better yet a slip and slide!

3. Seek AC filled places.  Hit up your local museums, or go to the movies where you are bound to need a cardigan! If you're into rock climbing and aren't afraid of heights- seek out your local rock gym where you can perfect your skillz, have fun, and stay cool.

4. Staying in Minus the AC. If you can't get out an about all the time and don't have AC here are a few cheaper alternatives to keep you cool-  a. Periodically run your wrists under cold water b. Wet a washcloth and barely ring it out, place it on the back of your neck and repeat as often as needed. c. Hydrate! d. Chew on ice e. take a cold shower or bath. OR wet your hair with cold water every half hour. f. dress is light colors and light fabric- picture an all white linen get up for inspiration. g. Stay still and quiet- this is especially helpful at night if you do not have AC. ALSO- open windows and turn off your lights as often as you can!

5. Yummy treats. Host an ice cream social- invite friends over and have them each bring a pint of their favorite cold treat!  OR make your own snow cones or popsicles.

6. Tube it up! Hit up your local river with some friends and inter tubes. Rivers usually have a variety of sun and shade. Plus the scenery is always changing!

7. Cool Drinks. Martha Stewart offers a list of fun drink recipes to cool you down.

8. Home Renovations. There are a few key things you can do to your house that will help keep it cool in the long run.
a. Install window tinting to your windows from the inside. My Parents did this to all the windows at the front of their house- which gets direct sun from noon on. It's a nice cost effective way to cool down your house, and for them it made their AC not run as hard or often. b. Hang drapes. In addition to your blinds or shades- drapes can also act as another buffer- keeping the heat of the sun at bay from your rooms. c. Green roof Gardens. When we lived in a brick row house two years ago- it had a flat roof and got as hot as an oven. I would day dream about installing my own green roof- to keep it cool and eco friendly. True this is a bigger home renovation, but fun to look into!

Let me know how you stay cool during summer heat waves!

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