Saturday, February 13, 2010

up late and into the morning...

One of those odd nights, when Cam got up to go to the bakery at 2:30 and I can't get back to sleep.. I snuggle with my dog, put pillows on the empty side of the bed, but I'm up my mind racing with my to do list- ie knitting commissions and my future to do list- more artwork and the coming week vacation!

So I killed time and joined the sunrise by looking around on the internet and I wanted to share this website with you- MrToledano.

An artist and photographer who recently completed a project of investigating the modern definition of beauty and its evolution along with technology- plastic surgery. His gallery is very gripping and intriguing as it speaks to Caravaggio and other period inspired imagery... In addition, I really like his America- the gift shop series, which reminded me of Thomas Hirschhorn's work, and I was very moved my his personal documentation of days with my father.

I recommend going to MrToledano main website to look at his other work as well.

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