Sunday, February 14, 2010

Apparently we celebrate Valentine's day!....

I've never been big on Valentine's day, well maybe when I was kid- handing out valentines at school was always fun, and then one year my sister and I held a VERY fancy tea party for our friends for the occasion. Age 8-10 or so, dress code a must and pretty porcelain tea cups, all my mother's doing- a fun memory. But besides those childhood moments, there are also those awkward teen moments that make the holiday something else entirely. It can be very over rated for sure.

So I'm always surprised when the husband does something to commemorate this "holiday". Like how he came home from whole foods with a crap ton of roses last night! so crazy. He was so proud of himself, and it was very cute. And I'm never one to pass up flowers. And he assured me it was actually not expensive, yadda yadda, which always makes you sound like such a scrooge when you have to hound your husband about how much he spent on you... lol. Thankfully the card that came with it was not sappy or Valentine related, but a picture of tomatoes, speaking to our future goals to grow more of our own food.

I got in the habit of taking pictures of flowers I receive. During boarding school and College I used to receive flowers from my Dad on my birthday, and every year they were documented! Thus the tradition continues.

I caught little dog in the middle of her morning routine- sleeping after breakfast. She let me sleep in this AM as apposed to waking me up at 6 to go out, so I'l let her sleep on the good pillows.
And the second bouquet.
Happy Love Day to you, or just Happy president's weekend, which ever you prefer!

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