I decided to repost this from last Thanksgiving- to offer our family pie recipe! Enjoy!
My Mother is the queen of pie making hence why at every birthday and at our wedding reception I asked for Pies please!
With her recipe you will be making delicious pies too! The recipes are SOO easy!
Pie crust:
1 crust- ie just a bottom crust for a pumpkin pie
1 and a 1/3 cup of flour
1/2 tsp of salt
3 Table spoons of cold milk
1/3 cup of Wesson oil/ veg oil
1/4 cup of sugar
2 crusts- ie top and bottom- for an apple pie
2 Cups of flour
1 tsp of salt
1/4 cup of milk
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
1/4 cup of sugar
Measure out your oil in a measuring cup then add the milk to the measuring cup- DO NOT STIR
In a separate bowl combine the dry ingredients- the flour and salt. ADD the liquid to the flour mixture and mix with a fork. Here comes the improvisation- if the mixture is too dry and not sticking together then add a touch a milk until it begins to look like dough. Sometimes you will need to do this and other times you wont! Its part of cooking!
Then wet the counter and lay one layer of wax paper down (the dampness allows the paper to stick and not move).
Then put your dough on the paper and layer another piece of wax paper over top. Then roll it out with your rolling pin. Be sure to change directions to get an even circle and not an oval!
Then take the top piece of paper off and scoop your hand underneath the paper with the dough on it and flip it over into the pie pan and remove the wax paper.
If you are baking just one pie crust for a pie whose contents you don't have to bake- ie a French silk chocolate pie- then you will stab holes in the crust with a fork- to avoid any air bubbles being created btwn the dough and the pan. You will cook it at 500 for 5-7 mins.
APPLE PIE recipe- (what to put between your pie crust!)
NOTE when making an apple pie you will prep the apples before making the crust- because since this is an easy pie crust recipe it doesn't keep like the standard old fashion crusts do- and you will need to cook this one right away.
Peel and core 6-8 apples
Put them in a bowl and squeeze a lemon over them to prevent them from browning.
In a separate bowl mix sugar 1/4- 1/3 cup of brown sugar and the same of white sugar. 1/2 tsp of cinnamon and a 1/4 tsp of nutmeg and a pinch of salt AND mix!
ASSEMBLE the crust and place the bottom crust in the pan and then layer the apples into the crust.
After the first layer of apples- you will sprinkle on a layer of the sugar mixture. You will repeat the altering layers until you have reached the edge of the pie crust. I usually over layer because the apples cook down a bit and you want your pie to have some apples in it!
The last layer will be the sugar layer.
Then cut 2 Table spoons of butter and put it on top of the apples.
Put the top crust on and pinch around the edges of the crust- sealing the two crusts together.
Cut 4 holes in the top crust as a vent to let the pie breath when being cooked. THEN sprinkle a little bit of white sugar on the top of the crust.
Preheat the oven at 425- you will cook the pie at this temp for 15 mins
THEN turn the temp down to 350 and cook the pie for an additional 30 mins.
The pie will be done when the edges are golden brown and there is a nice bubbly over flow around the edges!