Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer Bucket List

Do you have a summer bucket list? Or rather a Summer -to-do-list, the fun kind, the one that inspires new adventures and lessons learned? In Yesterday's Links and Such post I included a quote "When Was the last time you did something for the first time?". So maybe one's summer list could have this theme...?

With the first day of June, I'm trying to write my own list, one that doesn't include items from my "Ultimate to do list" (such as various knitting projects, our wedding album (4 yrs is embarrassing!) and so on).

Although my list is still a work in progress, one key piece, that although does not fit into doing something for the first time... is to paint outside again. During my undergrad we spent many painting classes outside painting landscapes. I have mad respect for those that can capture a landscape in simplified hues and shapes... I would get bogged down by each leaf. And so that's the number one goal on my list- to paint outside again. (And to paint in general, I also hope to offer new original oil paintings in my Etsy shop).

So as you head out on your weekend, think about writing a fun summer bucket list, one that will challenge you... but one that will ultimately set this summer apart from the rest. And report back, cus I need help with mine! ; )

have a great one!!


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